Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex

Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex: The Real Truth

Usually the first thing people ask when talking about a beauty or skincare product is “does it work?” Followed quickly by, “is it safe?” With Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex the answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes. Made by Civant Skin Care, Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex is a skin lightener for those wanting to rid themselves of any dark skin spots or patches.

The color of our skin is a result of a pigment our body creates called melanin. It’s main use it to shield our skin from the UV rays of the sun, but sometimes there is too much produced, bringing about hyper pigmentation (dark spots). Although most commonly used on the face, it can be used anywhere lightening is desired: Sun/liver spots, birthmarks, acne marks, freckles, old scars, or any other hyper-pigmentation are all under Meladerm’s umbrella.

How does it work:

Meladerm’s listed ingredients are Alpha Arbutin, Liquorice extract, Mulberry extract, Bearberry extract, Lemon juice extract, Kojic acid, Lactic acid, Glycolic acid, Vitamin C, Emblica, and Niacinamide. After checking out the list it’s not surprising why this stuff really works. All of them have been independently linked to either inhibit melanin production or act as a lightening agent. Of special note is the Kojic acid, one of the less common ingredients, that is an inhibitor grown from a fungus. The processing involved is slightly more in-depth than the others as it must be kept away from light and air exposure to retain it’s effectiveness.


The usual full treatment lasts about 12 weeks, but Civic guarantees (30-day money back) seeing some results within 2 weeks. The pigment reducing complex comes in a pump, each squirt giving you around 1 ml which is usually more than enough for a full facial treatment. Obviously it could be more or less if using on other areas. Used in this fashion, and following the twice a day recommendation, 1 bottle should last you almost 2 months, or about half of the full treatment time. At around $49.99 a bottle, getting a second would probably be best in most cases. The good thing about this is, once you’re happy about where your skin tone is, you’re done and no longer need to use it. This is a benefit not enjoyed by other products that must be constantly reapplied indefinitely.

Side Effects:

Although both uncommon and mild, there are potential side effects that bear mention. Most commonly reported were mild skin irritation or cracking and increase risk of sun/UV ray damage. The skin cracking tended to subside after about a week, but the risk of UV rays remains, prompting Civic and others to make sure that users apply strong sunscreen before going into the sun. The extra sensitivity to the sun is by no means exclusive to Meladerm, as most skin products have this side effect. For anyone looking for further/more in-depth information, the 3 clinical trails involving Meladerm are available on the Civic Skin Care website: